How many of you have been scammed? I know people that don’t have autism that have been.

 Lindsey is an accomplished adult with autism. She owns and operates a vehicle, and she takes excellent care of it. 

recently, I checked in with her over the phone. I frequently do this.  She informed me that when she went in for an oil change, the dealership informed her that she had items that were past due.

 The issue is that she didn’t have anything overdue. Lindsey would never be late on anything. It’s a rule she has. 

 In addition, she had an oil leak that would cost 1,750 plus tax to repair, and she needed to make another appointment to get it taken care of. So she did make that appointment.  

Todd went into the dealership asap because we knew Lindsey’s car didn’t have an oil leak.  They told him they took a picture of it,  minutes later they told him the picture was deleted.

What if I wouldn’t have checked in with her that night?

What if she didn’t have parents that were advocating for her?

Lindsey told me she wanted to be an adult and not have to always rely on her parents. She didn’t do anything wrong, and we all know that. 

   I realize that you don’t have to have autism to be scammed. To me it’s just an extra layer.

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